Saturday, 7 September 2013

Life Is What You Make It

Life Is What You Make It
Life is what you make it, and isn't just what you see, but instead is more of how you see.
Isn't it a blessing that we all have our own minds and our own ways of thinking? Though some people would rather choose to look at seeing someone believe differently, as a problem, being honest about our feelings and beliefs with each other helps people of all types of different backgrounds understand where each other are really coming from.

Life is what you make it, and isn't just what you see, but instead is more of how you see.

In order to be able to provide our best self to other people around us, we have to be willing to see problems as other people see them as well.

Since people usually see problems by reflecting their own pain and personal experiences and comparing them to what is currently a problem, it is best that we try to find solutions to problems by putting ourselves in the shoes of others, gathering what we can about their experiences, and making the best decisions from whatever angle we see fit to help the public with the most.

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